To make your stay in Würzburg
as safe, relaxed and comfortable as possible,we have compiled some information for you.
Ihre Sicherheit und Gesundheit liegen uns am Herzen!
Daher sind für uns strenge Sauberkeits- und Hygienevorschriften ein Selbstverständnis.
We call it our “little” croissant breakfast.
Enjoy it.
You start the morning with tea and / or coffee specialties, a fresh croissant (or bread), butter & jam, fresh fruit salad, tomato with mozzarella cheese, avocado with lemon oil and raspberries, cheese and much more...
The perfect start to every day.
Only on pre-order - daily limited contingent.
For groups (5 persons or more) only bookable according to availability and only by prior arrangement.
18 EUR
Breakfast times:
Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m
Sat & Sun 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m